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Roy Keck

MyLearning: Scripting Fundamentals - Python

Next up in the "MyLearning" Blog Series is Scripting Fundamentals.

I will specifically cover my Python learning in this post and cover the PowerShell learning in another Post simply because there was ALOT of Python Resources that I came across.

To Recap - the "MyLearning" Blog Series outlines what I am Currently Learning or what I have Completed in my Learning Roadmap.

I will highlight the Resources and Strategies that I used to get me through it, my Results, and also what I plan to do to extend what I've learned to build on that knowledge.

The Intent - of this Blog Series is to give people a guide as to how I'm doing it so maybe to help people build their own Starting Point for their Careers.

The Goal - with each of these posts is to Share Resources and help guide people who might be overwhelmed at the amount of resources and information out there and aren't sure where or how to start.


The Details...

School: Davis Technical College, Kaysville UT

Course Book/Materials: Sams Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours ISBN: 9780672336874

Additional Resources I used:

For this Course, I used ALOT of different resources, especially through the Python section of the course. I won't dive super deep into everyone because I think the Resources speak for themselves.

Sites Used:

  • Great Resource for anything Python Related.

  • Tons of great resources, Projects and Documentation.

  • CodeCademy:

    • "Learn Python 2" - FREE

    • "Learn Python 3" - FREE

YouTube Videos:

The Certification

  • Provider:

    • There are Multiple Providers for Python Certifications.

    • The one I plan to target is from, starting with their Entry Level Python Certified Entry-Level Programmer (PCEP).

  • Exam Code: PCEP-30-01

  • Number of Questions: 30

  • Type: Single-Select, Multiple-Select, Drag & Drop, Gap Fill, Sort

  • Time: 45 Minutes

  • Expiration: Not Sure, I don't think it does.

Results from my strategy?
  • Took me about 3 weeks to finish the course.

  • Certification - Did not take the PCEP, I explain why later in the Post.

Continued Learning plans?


  • 101Labs Python by Paul Browning AISN: B09JFJN3C5

  • Automate the Boring Stuff with Python by Al Sweigart

    • FREE to Read @LINK

    • ISBN: 9781593279929 to buy the Book

Udemy Courses: < $15 ea

  • Python Entry Level Programmer Certification (PCEP)

  • Python PCEP: Become Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer

  • Python Certification Exam PCEP-30-01/PCEP 30-02 Prep

  • Learn Python & Ethical Hacking from Scratch

Other Courses I plan to use:

YouTube Videos:

  • Cyber Insecurity: Python Study Group - 12 Week Session /w Brent

  • NetworkChuck: "Learn Python RIGHT NOW!!" Series

  • Programming with Mosh: Python for Beginners Full Course

  • Tech with Tim: Has tons of really cool Python Project Videos and I find him to be a great teacher, great to listen to.

My Thoughts on the Course/Certification?

I thought the Course was great, especially the Python Section.

Part of me wishes I could spend more time on Python, and I do plan on it. There is alot of resources that I still have yet to tap into and use for my Python learning and I still have every intention to hit those resources at some point when I have more time. This Post serves as a Resource for those of you wanting to learn, but I admit it's also a good Resource to remind me what is out there that I still want to use when I am able to pick my Python learning back up.

During the course, I built a Paper, Rock, Scissors, Lizard, Spock game, inspiration from the "Big Bang Theory's" version of Paper, Rock, Scissors. It was alot of fun, it went along in phases with it starting out very Basic, then as I learned more and dug deeper into Python adding more and more efficiency and validation and other things to it to make it better. I also created a Web Crawler, some Malware, and also created a Tool that will Search for Malware on a System.

It was not only great Python Practice, but there was real application towards the perspective of Cybersecurity.

Although I didn't end up taking the PCEP Certification like I originally set out to do when I started this Course, that CERT is still on my radar, and I do still expect I'll do that one at some point this year. I look at that as a Entry-Level Python Certification that sort of ... Cements this course, sort of like a measuring stick. Once I finished the Course, I didn't feel like I dug that deep into Python enough to be able to take this Cert, so I backed off that goal a bit. I didn't quit, I do still intend to take it when I've had a chance to dig a bit deeper into Python and knock out some of the other resources I plan to use.


Overall, my goals for Python aren't just to Learn It, but I like it enough and find I enjoy reading Code enough that I would like to maybe turn this into a Side Hustle, or some Freelance work on Upwork or potentially even use my Python knowledge for Python Bug Bounties or something. I plan Python to be a focal point in my learning as I progress deeper down the Cybersecurity rabbit hole, and I thought this was a great introductory experience to start diving in.

I hope this Post helps anyone who is considering Python but may be a little intimidated to hopefully overcome that and dive right in. The Blueprints are here to help you get started.

If I can do it, you can do it!!!

Stay Tuned for More in the "MyLearning" Series:

NEXT UP: Scripting Fundamentals - PowerShell, Microsoft Network Fundamentals. Both of those Courses are Complete, just have to find time to do the write ups and post them. I will be starting my Virtualization Course as well, so expect a Write Up for that one too at some point.

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