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Hey! So Glad You're Here.

With every Blog Post, at the core - I hope to serve 2 purposes.


#1 - Be a Window into who I was, who I am, and who I hope to become, all of my struggles, my mistakes along with my triumphs and the things I've learned.


#2 - To also show the human side of Information Technology, and Cybersecurity. Far too often I think people who are not in the industry think we're all robots, we speak Computer, incapable of communicating and connecting with other humans.


This Blog is to give me a platform to post the things that I write. Anything from my personal thoughts, to rants and opinions on various topics, to life experiences while finding my way.


The good, and the bad, the poor choices and mistakes, to the things I got right.


This Blog will also encapsulate my Cybersecurity journey as I use that to begin my transformation in life on my New Purpose.


I'm a passionate and emotional guy as some of you already know or will quickly understand about me as you dive into my Blog. I have never minded sharing my thoughts with others and/or posting them publicly, sending them out into this vast digital void. I've always used writing as a tool to express how I'm feeling and to express my thoughts in various moments.


They are exactly that, Moments - in Time for me. And, as Moments tend to do, in time, they fade away.


I have never really given much attention to the thoughts or opinions about my writings from others. They are written, posted, and exist in the digital space - For Me. Almost as a therapy session for me to refer to from time to time.


While I appreciate positive, constructive support and feedback, know that - it is not the reason I do it.


While I also appreciate if any of the things I share help someone through their own trials and tribulations - again, that is not the reason I do it, but I am happy to be of some help to those that find this helpful.


  • A Note on Blog Timeline/Schedule - There is NONE currently. I am extremely busy this year, and it's important to me to be mindful not to take on too much while I focus solely on School and Work right now. I have alot of unedited material that I need to clean up before I feel good about posting it... and I have alot of Topics that I want to write about... some, I have started to write and put together, others are just in the idea phases. I have no set posting schedule, it's all going to be when I have the time, the energy, and the space to do it. This is very casual for me right now, and I have no expectations that I'll somehow make money off this or plan any kind of consistency. Maybe at some point I will, but right now there should be zero expectations.


  • One Final Note, or Disclaimer... if you are expecting a Blog wrote by some... English Major? Please, I beg you, don't read my stuff. You will probably be sorely disappointed. The fact is, I used to Blog - sort of in High School before Blogging was really a thing. I stopped, and now I'm about to start up again. I haven't gone to School or have taken any Courses on Blogging. I'm no expert in English Grammar, Punctuation, or Wordsmith... if you haven't been able to figure that out already. You're going to get Raw... Unfiltered (Mostly)... Unedited (Mostly) commentary - from 1 Flawed Human Being to another.


I hope you enjoy!


Thank You,


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